Yes, Let's Call It Personal Wellness: The New Frontier of Personal Care, Beauty, and Wellness

Folks, it’s time for a name change. The descriptor “Beauty Industry” has outlived its usefulness and it’s time for a more accurate, all-encompassing term: Personal Wellness.

The beauty industry has been through a major evolution in recent years. The traditional model of beauty, which emphasized physical perfection and conformity, has given way to a new model that not only values individuality and self-expression, it is about feeling good on the inside and taking care of our whole selves – mind, body, and spirit.

One of the most significant changes we’ve seen in the industry is the shift from ‘beauty’ to ‘wellness’. This change in language is more than just a buzzword – it reflects a fundamental change in the way consumers and now brands think about beauty. Personal Wellness is a more accurate representation of what the industry is now about.

So how can your brand stay nimble and adapt to the ever-changing landscape? Here are three ways:

  1. Audit your brand positioning:

    Do your product offerings, performance, and purpose align with today's market opportunities? Without altering your brand promise, dare to explore and look at your brand from new perspectives. Investing in third-party expertise may be the best way to see your brand through an impartial lens and make sure your brand roadmap is heading in the right direction.

  2. Listen to your real customers, the consumers:

    Distributors and retailers are the operational partners that you work with and through to get to your real customer, the consumer. Your business partners have a strong influence, and data intelligence, and are vital to commerce, but there is not a single excuse with today's resources to connect with consumers, listen to what they're saying, and use it to inform your decisions.

  3. Ramp up your resources:

    The ability to pivot quickly is crucial in today's marketplace. Be prepared to change course at a moment's notice and always be ready for whatever comes next. Our team of industry experts will work with you to challenge your commercial aptitude and enhance your brand strategy.

Gone are the days when the focus was solely on aesthetics. Consumers are now looking for products and experiences that will help them achieve a sense of wellness. No matter your brand category, there are strategies you can adopt to make sure your brand is moving at the speed of the Personal Wellness industry.

Manufacturing the beauty behind beauty™


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