We are serial product launchers with keen commercial awareness, resourceful networks, and results-driven techniques.

We’ve launched thousands of products into beauty markets and developed a collaboration model that leverages that know-how, enabling us to work with a wide variety of clients through a diverse set of service needs.

  • We improve the likelihood of success by applying the craftsmanship needed to get products to market.

    Beauty Msfits

  • COMING SOON... Subscription box services. Can you repeat that? Exactly!

    Beauty Msfits

  • Dear Stakeholders, You're welcome.

    Beauty Msfits

  • We are intuitive, gutsy, and will push you forward. When we do, it almost always comes from the heart.

    Beauty Msfits

  • We rally momentum from every nook & cranny of the industry, in effort to develop market heros. Not real heros, just products that sell a lot more than competitors.

    Beauty Msfits

  • We can't wait to tell you about our newest alignment with beauty supplements and bar soap manufacturers.

    Beauty Misfits

We are not your typical industry agency.

We are a fearless group of successful women with proven track-records of success in the beauty industry. We, most likely, were the womanpower behind the scenes too busy getting shit done to properly introduce ourselves.

Our experiences, personalities, and zip codes are all different but we operate with a united philosophy — to trade our growth in the industry for your growth in the industry.